Passed the 350-001 Cisco CCIE Written exam

It’s been a while since my last post, I’ve been spending all my spare time studying for the CCIE. Since my last post I sat and passed the 350-001 Cisco CCIE Written exam.

350-001 Written Exam Debrief

Without violating my NDA agreement. The exam contains no simulation based questions and wasn’t as difficult as I imagined it would be, however it seemed the range of questions drew from every area of the exam blueprint. The drag-and-drop style of questions were a pain, that style always seems to frustrate me, and I believe that is where I likely lost most of my points.

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CCIE Study Method – Part II

If you’ve missed part one of my CCIE Study Method you can find it here.

CCIE Study Method – II

Purchase INE Materials

I’ve heard good things about the CCIE preparation materials at, specifically their video training courses, audio bootcamp and lab workbooks. Their all access pass seems to be a bit costly, so I’m not sure yet if I’ll go with a monthly or annual pass. They’ve got over 2200 video’s and I’m not sure how long this would take me to get through. My CCIE Study Method will have me watching 3-4 hours per night so will need to estimate how long I’ll need to remain subscribed before I choose this option. The annual subscription does include access to the lab guides, so this may be the more cost effective way to go.

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Morgans Burgers – Milford Shopping Centre

Morgans Burgers, at the Milford shopping centre in Auckland officially opened yesterday – Monday 10th December at 5.00pm.  I was lucky to get along on the Sunday night before opening for a Friends and Family sneak preview and I was highly impressed.

The concept is simple – choose your burger, then visit the salad cart to add condiments. The salad cart is on the back of a produce truck right in the middle of the restaurant, something I’ve never seen before. Standard burgers can be ordered as 1/4 pound, 1/2 pound or a whopping 1 pound burger.

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