Our 9 month old boy absolutely loves Pocoyo

Pocoyo Animated TV SeriesOur 9 month old boy absolutely loves Pocoyo! After showing him an episode of this animated TV series on YouTube at around 4-5 months of age he now can’t get enough. We let him watch 1 or occasionally 2, seven minute episodes each day as a treat.

We had shown him Baby Einstein and similar “Baby” oriented videos but the animation in these always seemed too busy and couldn’t hold his interest.

Simplicity is what Pocoyo has and this helps hold his interest. There is no background in the animation, but has instead a few 3D characters on a white screen and simple catchy music.

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Kim Dotcom and Mega Upload

I fail to see how Kim Dotcom and Mega Upload are guitly of breaching copyright laws. Sure, Mega Upload contained illegal files, but these were taken down immediately at the request of the copyright owner. MegaUpload’s business wasn’t illegal.

If you’re looking to start a legitimate business where – users and businesses can upload their files, give a link to those files to customers or employees for access anywhere and you’re happy to remove copyrighted material, then you’re in the same boat MegaUpload was in.

Do we now take all ISP’s to court? They also provide a service which has the potential to allow illegal filesharing.